Thursday, February 10, 2011

Lesley Pearce

Genre: romance/historical
Audience: women
Rating: 3.5/5

Lesley Pearce is one of the best selling female writers in the WORLD. I am not sure why, because her writing style is weak compared to Belinda Alexandra and Kate Morton, but I guess she has been around longer. Still, she writes an engaging heroine and an interesting story. One of my customers described her writing as "dull" and it did not take me long to realise why. She writes like Danielle Steel. Her text is filled with "she felt sad at the treatment of the poor children" and other such text that is what they call "tell" not "show". Also, her language came across as quite immature, like she was writing to a child (although the content is certainly intended for an adult). Belle however was an interesting character, making many foolish mistakes due to her impulsive behaviour and lack of foresight. Of course, she was also the victim of terrible circumstances and some very bad men. But there were good men too, and good women and several shades of grey between the two. And a lot of sex. Some of it horrific, some of it rather less so.

Belle is the daughter of a brothel-keeper, but despite this she has been raised to be an innocent, good girl. She can read, and has a strong mind and will. But her sweet life turns to tragedy when she bears witness to a brutal murder. Shortly after she is abducted and introduced to the very trade her mother has carefully kept her away from - prostitution. But not one to take her fate lying down, Belle retains a confidence and spirit that is as admirable as it is bittersweet. Events take her to France, New York and also New Orleans and along the way she touches the hearts of many. But will she ever return to her beloved England? And if so, will she still be the same Belle she once was?

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