Two years ago, we began the
Christchurch Writers' Guild with the
intention of supporting local Indie (and non-indie) authors with reviews, critiques and encouragement, thus I would like to take the time to share with you the works from two of our published authors:
Beaulah Pragg
Beaulah is an author and graphic designer devoted to encouraing writing in the community. She runs classes with teenagers, and adult, students as well as giving presentations on digital publishing. Her favoured genre is fantasy.
Her first book: "The Silver Hawk" was published via Amazon's CreateSpace. Here is my GoodReads review:
The Silver Hawk by
Beaulah Pragg
My rating:
5 of 5 stars
The plot is refreshing, and Pragg has some clever ideas: the concept of the two siblings - Mikael and Maat, watching a civilisation that they had created and in which they had "cast" themselves as gods, is extremely nifty. It also works well for the narrative, allowing the plot to skip several years in a heartbeat and follow the progress of various characters and their exploits.
The politics are nicely complicated - Pragg has devoted a lot of care and attention to detail in the development of her world. Her characters, also, feel very real, almost tangible.
There are a couple of interesting twists and an ending that was complete-but-not-quite, it is definitely designed to make you seek out more.
I am eagerly awaiting the next instalment.
You can read all of this novel (the revised version), on
Wattpad here.
Kevin Berry
Kevin is a software engineer who devotes a lot of his time to writing and editing. He has co-authored three fantasy novels with his now-ex wife (although they still write together) as well as two "new adult" titles in the Aspie-New-Adult genre.
The fantasy novels - published under "KD Berry" are published via Bluewood.
Dragons Away by
K.D. Berry
My rating:
4 of 5 stars
This is a light and engaging fantasy novel, with fun characters, clever language and oh-so-many puns. You'll laugh, you'll groan, but you probably won't cry. It's not that kind of book. There are dwarves, there are goblins, there are dragons, there's a half-ogre scholar (who can't read but speaks 16 languages) and a benign king. There's also a mad king and his terrifying wife. The use of language is very clever - even if there are too many puns, and the plot, whilst not entirely new, is fresh and fun. Highly enjoyable.
Growing Disenchantments by
K.D. Berry
My rating:
4 of 5 stars
Another entertaining read from this duo. Kevin and Dianne Berry write the most amusing fantasy I have read in a long time. Packed with puns and interesting characters, it keeps you hooked. This novel takes place in the same city as "Dragon's Away" but unlike the former, it remains within the city - no travelling required. Instead we have several wizards of varying talents and skills, talking furniture, animated statues, a thief, a time traveller and a mischevious imp. Some of the characters don't receive quite as much "screen time" as I might have liked, but overall it proved to be a most entertaining read and I hope to see more from this duo.
Fountain of Forever by
K.D. Berry
My rating:
4 of 5 stars
Another fun fantasy adventure! With loads of quirky characters, a plot that will keep you bouncing around merrily and a healthy dose of humour that is funny, without being silly. Fans of the earlier novels will delight in the return of CIA time-traveler, Merrivel, and those new to the series will want to read more!
Highly entertaining.
My one complaint with the "Bluewood" titles is that the covers are, frankly, quite terrible. They look like they're self published (when they're actually indie-published) and photoshop cut-n-paste efforts, and as for the shadows on the text... *shudders*. But DO NOT judge a book by it's cover - these are highly entertaining reads and remind me of Diana Wynne Jones with a touch of Pratchett - and you cannot get a higher compliment than that!
His two Aspie-New-Adult titles are a different style entirely being much more serious and feeling more personal, although with a hearty dose of OTT craziness and "I cannot believe they did that". Also, the covers are MUCH better.
Stim by
Kevin Berry
My rating:
5 of 5 stars
I highly enjoyed the story of Robert, a university student with Aspergers Syndrome. Robert's story is candidly told - his view of the world clearly described and just a little bit different. Some parts will have you gritting your teeth ("I can't believe he just said that!"), and others snorting with laughter. It is also deeply poignant, and very moving, especially as you watch Robert and Chloe's friendship grow, and also experience the understanding of their NS flatmate, Stef.
Berry has captured Robert's voice extremely well - with his precise, slightly formal way of speaking; his straightforward (analytical) way of thinking; his honesty-to-the-point-of-innappropriate; his little quirks - it is the sort of book that could only be written by someone with a deep insight into the aspie mind.
I would highly recommend this to everyone over the age of about 16/17 - NS or aspie: for the former it will offer a deeper insight, and for the latter, open the awareness that you are not alone.
Kaleidoscope by
Kevin Berry
My rating:
4 of 5 stars
The enjoyable follow-up to Stim, Berry's first Aspie romance novel, and this one certainly proves a worthy sequel. This time we see into the head of Chloe - fellow Aspie, but also possessing of a whole plethora of other diagnoses. Coupled together with the most devastating earthquake the city has ever seen, and a forced break from her medication, madcap craziness must ensure. Chloe's narrative is not dissimilar to Robert's, with her frank honesty and candid narration. This tale will certainly help those of the NS to better understand their Asperbergers peers.
A quick, page-turning read, with a witty narrator who just seems real. Another gem from Kevin Berry.
View all my reviews